Pushing Electrons - 4th Edition - by Weeks, Daniel P. - ISBN 9781133951889

Pushing Electrons
4th Edition
Weeks, Daniel P.
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9781133951889

Solutions for Pushing Electrons

Book Details

This brief guidebook assists you in mastering the difficult concept of pushing electrons that is vital to your success in Organic Chemistry. With an investment of only 12 to 16 hours of self-study you can have a better understanding of how to write resonance structures and will become comfortable with bond-making and bond-breaking steps in organic mechanisms. A paper-on-pencil approach uses active involvement and repetition to teach you to properly push electrons to generate resonance structures and write organic mechanisms with a minimum of memorization. Compatible with any organic chemistry textbook. SpartanModel replaces the plastic models used by past generations of organic chemistry students. This set of easy-to-use digital builders allows you to construct and manipulate 3-D molecules of any size or complexity. Each copy includes software on CD-ROM, an extensive molecular database, 3-D glasses, and a Tutorial and User's Guide with 50 pages of activities for organic chemistry.

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