Biology - 12th Edition - by Audesirk,  Teresa,  Gerald, Byers,  Bruce E. - ISBN 9780134813448

12th Edition
Audesirk, Teresa, Gerald, Byers, Bruce E.
Publisher: Pearson,
ISBN: 9780134813448

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Chapter 3.1 - Why Is Carbon So Important In Biological Molecules?Chapter 3.2 - How Are Large Biological Molecules Synthesized?Chapter 3.3 - What Are Carbohydrates?Chapter 3.4 - What Are Proteins?Chapter 3.5 - What Are Nucleotides And Nucleic Acids?Chapter 3.6 - What Are Lipids?Chapter 4 - Cell Structure And FunctionChapter 4.1 - What Is The Cell Theory?Chapter 4.2 - How Do Scientists Visualize Cells?Chapter 4.3 - What Are The Basic Attributes Of Cells?Chapter 4.4 - What Are The Major Features Of Prokaryotic Cells?Chapter 4.5 - What Are The Major Features Of Eukaryotic Cells?Chapter 5 - Cell Membrane Structure And FunctionChapter 5.1 - How Is The Structure Of The Cell Membrane Related To Its Function?Chapter 5.2 - Which Physical Processes Move Molecules In Fluids?Chapter 5.3 - How Do Substances Move Across Membranes?Chapter 6 - Energy Flow In The Life Of A CellChapter 6.1 - What Is Energy?Chapter 6.2 - How Is Energy Transformed During Chemical Reactions?Chapter 6.3 - How Is Energy Transported Within Cells?Chapter 6.4 - How Do Enzymes Promote Biochemical Reactions?Chapter 6.5 - How Are Enzymes Regulated?Chapter 7 - Capturing Solar Energy: PhotosynthesisChapter 7.1 - What Is Photosynthesis?Chapter 7.2 - The Light Reactions: How Is Light Energy Converted To Chemical Energy?Chapter 7.3 - The Calvin Cycle: How Is Chemical Energy Stored In Sugar Molecules?Chapter 8 - Harvesting Energy: Glycolysis And Cellular RespirationChapter 8.1 - How Do Cells Obtain Energy?Chapter 8.2 - How Does Glycolysis Begin Breaking Down Glucose?Chapter 8.3 - How Does Cellular Respiration Extract Energy From Glucose?Chapter 8.4 - How Does Fermentation Allow Glycolysis To Continue When Oxygen Is Lacking?Chapter 9 - Cellular ReproductionChapter 9.1 - What Are The Functions Of Cell Division?Chapter 9.2 - What Happens During The Prokaryotic Cell Cycle?Chapter 9.3 - How Is The Dna In Eukaryotic Chromosomes Organized?Chapter 9.4 - What Happens During The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle?Chapter 9.5 - How Does Mitotic Cell Division Produce Genetically Identical Daughter Cells?Chapter 9.6 - How Is The Cell Cycle Controlled?Chapter 10 - Meiosis: The Basis Of Sexual ReproductionChapter 10.1 - How Does Sexual Reproduction Produce Genetic Variability?Chapter 10.2 - How Does Meiotic Cell Division Produce Genetically Variable, Haploid Cells?Chapter 10.3 - How Do Meiosis And Union Of Gametes Produce Genetically Variable Offspring?Chapter 10.4 - How Do Errors In Meiosis Cause Inherited Disorders?Chapter 11 - Patterns Of InheritanceChapter 11.1 - What Is The Physical Basis Of Inheritance?Chapter 11.2 - How Were The Principles Of Lnheritance Discovered?Chapter 11.3 - How Are Single Traits Inherited?Chapter 11.4 - How Are Multiple Traits Inherited?Chapter 11.5 - Do The Mendelian Rules Af Inheritance Apply To All Traits?Chapter 11.6 - How Are Genes Located On The Same Chromosome Inherited?Chapter 11.7 - How Are Sex And Sex-linked Traits Inherited?Chapter 11.8 - How Are Human Genetic Disorders Inherited?Chapter 12 - Dna: The Molecule Of HeredityChapter 12.1 - What Is The Structure Of Dna?Chapter 12.2 - How Does Dna Encode Genetic Lnformation?Chapter 12.3 - How Does Dna Replication Ensure Genetic Constancy During Cell Division?Chapter 12.4 - What Are Mutations, And How Do They Occur?Chapter 13 - Gene Expression And RegulationChapter 13.1 - How Is The Information In Dna Used In A Cell?Chapter 13.2 - How Is The Information In A Gene Transcribed Into Rna?Chapter 13.3 - How Is The Nucleotide Sequence Of Mrna Translated Into Protein?Chapter 13.4 - How Do Mutations Affect Protein Structure And Function?Chapter 13.5 - How Is Gene Expression Regulated?Chapter 14 - BiotechnologyChapter 14.1 - What Is Biotechnology?Chapter 14.2 - What Natural Processes Recombine Dna Between Species?Chapter 14.3 - What Are Some Key Methods For Manipulating Dna?Chapter 14.4 - How Is Biotechnology Used In Forensic Science?Chapter 14.5 - How Are Transgenic Organisms Made?Chapter 14.6 - How Are Genetically Modified Organisms Used?Chapter 14.7 - How Is Biotechnology Used In Medicine?Chapter 14.8 - What Are The Major Ethical Issues Of Modern Biotechnology?Chapter 15 - Principles Of EvolutionChapter 15.1 - How Did Evolutionary Thought Develop?Chapter 15.2 - How Does Natural Selection Work?Chapter 15.3 - How Do We Know That Evolutlon Has Occurred?Chapter 15.4 - What Is The Evidence That Populations Evolve By Natural Selection?Chapter 16 - How Populations EvolveChapter 16.1 - How Are Populations, Genes, And Evolution Related?Chapter 16.2 - What Causes Evolution?Chapter 16.3 - How Does Natural Selection Work?Chapter 17 - The Origin Of SpeciesChapter 17.1 - What Is A Species?Chapter 17.2 - How Is Reproductive Isolation Between Species Maintained?Chapter 17.3 - How Do New Species Form?Chapter 17.4 - What Causes Extinction?Chapter 18 - The History Of LifeChapter 18.1 - How Did Life Begin?Chapter 18.2 - What Were The Earliest Organisms Like?Chapter 18.3 - What Were The Earliest Multicellular Organims Like?Chapter 18.4 - How Did Life Invade The Land?Chapter 18.5 - What Role Has Extinction Played In The History Of Life?Chapter 18.6 - How Did Humans Evolve?Chapter 19 - Systematics: Seeking Order Amid DiversityChapter 19.1 - How Are Organisms Named And Classified?Chapter 19.2 - What Are The Domains Of Life?Chapter 19.3 - Why Do Classifications Change?Chapter 19.4 - How Many Species Exist?Chapter 20 - The Diversity Of Prokaryotes And VirusesChapter 20.1 - Which Organisms Are Members Of The Domains Archaea And Bacteria?Chapter 20.2 - How Do Prokaryotes Survive And Reproduce?Chapter 20.3 - How Do Prokaryotes Affect Humans And Other Organisms?Chapter 20.4 - What Are Viruses, Viroids, And Prions?Chapter 21 - The Diversity Of ProtistsChapter 21.1 - What Are Protists?Chapter 21.2 - What Are The Major Groups Of Protists?Chapter 22 - The Diversity Of PlantsChapter 22.1 - What Are The Key Features Of Plants?Chapter 22.2 - How Have Plants Evolved?Chapter 22.3 - What Are The Major Groups Of Plants?Chapter 22.4 - How Do Plants Affect Other Organisms?Chapter 23 - The Diversity Of FungiChapter 23.1 - What Are The Key Features Of Fungi?Chapter 23.2 - What Are The Major Groups Of Fungi?Chapter 23.3 - How Do Fungi Interact With Other Species?Chapter 23.4 - How Do Fungi Affect Humans?Chapter 24 - Animal Diversity I: InvertebratesChapter 24.1 - What Are The Key Features Of Animals?Chapter 24.2 - Which Anatomical Features Mark Branch Points On The Animal Evolutionary Tree?Chapter 24.3 - What Are The Major Animal Phyla?Chapter 25 - Animal Diversity Ii: VertebratesChapter 25.1 - What Are The Key Features Of Chordates?Chapter 25.2 - Which Animals Are Chordates?Chapter 25.3 - What Are The Major Groups Of Vertebrates?Chapter 26 - Animal BehaviorChapter 26.1 - How Does Behavior Arise?Chapter 26.2 - How Do Animals Compete For Resources?Chapter 26.3 - How Do Animals Behave When They Mate?Chapter 26.4 - How Do Animals Communicate?Chapter 26.5 - What Do Animals Communicate About?Chapter 26.6 - Why Do Animals Play?Chapter 26.7 - What Kinds Of Societies Do Animals Form?Chapter 26.8 - Can Biology Explain Human Behavior?Chapter 27 - Population Growth And RegulationChapter 27.1 - What Is A Population And How Does Population Size Change?Chapter 27.2 - How Is Population Growth Regulated?Chapter 27.3 - How Do Life Histories Differ Among Species?Chapter 27.4 - How Are Organisms In Populations Distributed?Chapter 27.5 - How Is The Human Population Changing?Chapter 28 - Community InteractionsChapter 28.1 - How Do Species In Communities Interact?Chapter 28.2 - How Does Interspecific Competition Affect Communities?Chapter 28.3 - How Do Consumer-prey Interactions Shape Evolutionary Adaptations?Chapter 28.4 - How Do Mutualisms Benefit Different Species?Chapter 28.5 - How Do Keystone Species Lnfluence Community Structure?Chapter 28.6 - How Do Species Interactions Change Community Structure Over Time?Chapter 29 - Energy Flow And Nutrient Cycling In EcosystemsChapter 29.1 - How Do Nutrients And Energy Move Through Ecosystems?Chapter 29.2 - How Does Energy Flow Through Ecosystems?Chapter 29.3 - How Do Nutrients Cycle Within And Among Ecosystems?Chapter 29.4 - What Happens When Humans Disrupt Nutrient Cycles?Chapter 30 - Earth's Diverse EcosystemsChapter 30.1 - What Determines The Distribution Of Life On Earth?Chapter 30.2 - Which Factors Influence Earth's Climate?Chapter 30.3 - What Are The Principal Terrestrial Biomes?Chapter 30.4 - What Are The Principal Aquatic Biomes?Chapter 31 - Conserving Earth's BiodiversityChapter 31.1 - What Is Conservation Biology?Chapter 31.2 - Why Is Biodiversity Important?Chapter 31.3 - What Are The Major Threats To Biodiversity?Chapter 31.4 - Why Is Habitat Protection Necessary To Preserve Biodiversity?Chapter 31.5 - Why Is Sustainability Essential For A Healthy Future?Chapter 32 - Homeostasis And The Organization Of The Animal BodyChapter 32.1 - Homeostasis: Why And How Do Animals Regulate Their Internal Environment?Chapter 32.2 - How Is The Animal Body Organized?Chapter 33 - CirculationChapter 33.1 - What Are The Major Features And Functions Of Circulatory Systems?Chapter 33.2 - How Does The Vertebrate Heart Work?Chapter 33.3 - What Is Blood?Chapter 33.4 - What Are The Types And Functions Of Blood Vessels?Chapter 33.5 - How Does The Lymphatic System Work With The Circulatory System?Chapter 34 - RespirationChapter 34.1 - Why Exchange Gases And What Are The Requirements For Gas Exchange?Chapter 34.2 - How Do Respiratory Adaptations Minimize Diffusion Distances?Chapter 34.3 - How Is Air Conducted Through The Human Respiratory System?Chapter 34.4 - How Does Gas Exchange Occur In The Human Respiratory System?Chapter 35 - Nutrition And DigestionChapter 35.1 - What Nutrients Do Animals Need?Chapter 35.2 - How Does Digestion Occur?Chapter 35.3 - How Do Humans Digest Food?Chapter 36 - The Urinary SystemChapter 36.1 - What Are The Major Functions Of Urinary Systems?Chapter 36.2 - What Are Some Examples Of Invertebrate Urinary Systems?Chapter 36.3 - What Are The Structures Of The Mammalian Urinary System?Chapter 36.4 - How Is Urine Formed?Chapter 36.5 - How Do Vertebrate Urinary Systems Help Maintain Homeostasis?Chapter 37 - Defenses Against DiseaseChapter 37.1 - How Does The Body Defend Itself Against Disease?Chapter 37.2 - How Do Nonspecific Defenses Function?Chapter 37.3 - What Are The Key Components Of Specific Internal Defenses?Chapter 37.4 - How Does The Adaptive Immune System Recognize Invaders?Chapter 37.5 - How Does The Adaptive Immune System Attack Invaders?Chapter 37.6 - How Does The Adaptive Immune System Remember Its Past Victories?Chapter 37.7 - How Does Medical Care Assist The Immune Response?Chapter 37.8 - What Happens When The Immune System Malfunctions?Chapter 37.9 - How Does The Immune System Combat Cancer?Chapter 38 - Chemical Control Of The Animal Body: The Endocrine SystemChapter 38.1 - How Do Animal Cells Communicate?Chapter 38.2 - How Do Endocrine Hormones Produce Their Effect?Chapter 38.3 - What Are The Structures And Functions Of The Mammalian Endocrine System?Chapter 39 - The Nervous SystemChapter 39.1 - What Are The Structures And Functions Of Nerve Cells?Chapter 39.2 - How Do Neurons Produce And Transmit Information?Chapter 39.3 - How Does The Nervous System Process Information And Control Behavior?Chapter 39.4 - How Are Nervous Systems Organized?Chapter 39.5 - What Are The Structures And Functions Of The Human Nervous System?Chapter 40 - The SensesChapter 40.1 - How Do Animals Sense Their Environment?Chapter 40.2 - How Is Temperature Sensed?Chapter 40.3 - How Are Mechanical Stimuli Detected?Chapter 40.4 - How Is Sound Detected?Chapter 40.5 - How Are Gravity And Movement Detected?Chapter 40.6 - How Is Light Perceived?Chapter 40.7 - How Are Chemicals Sensed?Chapter 40.8 - How Is Pain Perceived?Chapter 41 - Action And Support: The Muscles And SkeletonChapter 41.1 - How Do Muscles Contract?Chapter 41.2 - How Do Cardiac And Smooth Muscles Differ From Skeletal Muscle?Chapter 41.3 - How Do Muscles And Skeletons Work Together To Provide Movement?Chapter 42 - Animal ReproductionChapter 42.1 - How Do Animals Reproduce?Chapter 42.2 - What Are The Structures And Functions Of Human Reproductive Systems?Chapter 42.3 - How Can People Prevent Pregnancy?Chapter 43 - Animal DevelopmentChapter 43.1 - What Are The Principles Of Animal Development?Chapter 43.2 - How Do Direct And Indirect Development Differ?Chapter 43.3 - How Does Animal Development Proceed?Chapter 43.4 - How Is Development Controlled?Chapter 43.5 - How Do Humans Develop?Chapter 43.6 - Is Aging The Final Stage Of Development?Chapter 44 - Plant Anatomy And Nutrient TransportChapter 44.1 - How Are Plant Bodies Organized?Chapter 44.2 - How Do Plants Grow?Chapter 44.3 - What Are The Differentiated Tissues And Cell Types Of Plants?Chapter 44.4 - What Are The Structures And Functions Of Leaves?Chapter 44.5 - What Are The Structures And Functions Of Stems?Chapter 44.6 - What Are The Structures And Functions Of Roots?Chapter 44.7 - How Do Plants Acquire Nutrients?Chapter 44.8 - How Do Plants Move Water And Minerals From Roots To Leaves?Chapter 44.9 - How Do Plants Transport Sugars?Chapter 45 - Plant Reproduction And DevelopmentChapter 45.1 - How Do Plants Reproduce?Chapter 45.2 - What Are The Functions And Structures Of Flowers?Chapter 45.3 - How Do Fruits And Seeds Develop?Chapter 45.4 - How Do Seeds Germinate And Grow?Chapter 45.5 - How Do Plants And Their Pollinators Interact?Chapter 45.6 - How Do Fruits Help To Disperse Seeds?Chapter 46 - Plant Responses To The EnvironmentChapter 46.1 - What Are Some Major Plant Hormones?Chapter 46.2 - How Do Hormones Regulate Plant Life Cycles?Chapter 46.3 - How Do Plants Communicate, Defend Themselves, And Capture Prey?

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Reason for the correct answer Option b. is given as “autosomes” Autosomes, also known as somatic...Justify reason for the correct statement: An allele is any of the alternative forms of a gene that...Chapter 12, Problem 1MCReason for the correct answer: Option b. is given as “messenger RNA”. Messenger RNA (mRNA) functions...Reason for the correct answer: Option a. is given as “produces many copies of specific DNA...Chapter 15, Problem 1MCChapter 16, Problem 1MCChapter 17, Problem 1MCChapter 18, Problem 1MCJustify reasons for the correct statement: The species A and B shares common ancestors as they are...Chapter 20, Problem 1MCChapter 21, Problem 1MCChapter 22, Problem 1MCJustify reason for the correct statement: The fungal cell wall is made up of chitin which is a...Justify reasons for the correct statement: The cnidarians are mostly marine animals but some also...Chapter 25, Problem 1MCJustify reasons for the correct statement: The territoriality can be defined as the defense of an...Justify reason for the correct statement: Density-independent factors are those factors that affect...Reasons for the correct statement: A change that occurs in an area where no previous community...Reason for the correct answer: Option b. is given as “as energy is transferred from one trophic...Justify reasons for the correct statement: In the tropical rain forest, the temperature is humid as...Chapter 31, Problem 1MCChapter 32, Problem 1MCJustify reason for the correct statement: The thick wall of arteries consists of three tunics;...Chapter 34, Problem 1MCChapter 35, Problem 1MCJustify reason for the correct statement: Aquatic animals do not possess specific urinary system....Justify reason for the correct statement: In humoral immunity, antibodies are involved. The B cell...Justify reasons for the correct statement: The neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus are involved...Justify reason for the correct statement: Whenever the voltage across a neuron’s plasma membrane...Justify reason for the correct statement: Mechanoreceptors are a specific sensory receptor. They...Justify reasons for the correct statement: Muscle cells are soft tissue and are composed of thick...Chapter 42, Problem 1MCJustify reasons for the correct statement: Amnion layer encloses the fertilized embryo in a watery...Chapter 44, Problem 1MCJustify reason for the correct statement: Seeds germinate below the soil, so the delicate part of...Justify reason for the correct statement: Plants have a different response to different...

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